logIt Log Around The Clock

Tagsistant (1)

Installation of tagsistant requires SQLite and FUSE, in Ubuntu they are satisfied as libsqlite3-dev and libfuse-dev (which will also requires libselinux1-dev and libsepol1-dev). A series of configure, make, and make-install will fail during the make-install. /usr/local/share/pixmaps must be created first before running

$ sudo make install

After that I test tagsistant to organize /data/tags/

$ tagsistant /data/tags

The tagging works as expected but not too handy since no browser GUI is embedded. It is just like browsing through multiple OR and AND folders.

The installation process will also install tagman (a tag manager GUI) if libgtk2.0-dev and libglib2.0-dev are installed.

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