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Posts Tagged ‘RootStock’

Ubuntu ARM on QEMU Processor Emulator

There are times when you need to try things on virtualized environment before hand e.g. 1) checking application functionality or 2) actual device shipment is still on its long way. Those were also my cases with ARM Linux. Unlike virtualization in production environment however, putting software to emulate CPU architecture will slow down the guest [...]

Running Ubuntu on DevKit8500D (Natty Kernel and Lucid RootFS)

BeagleBoard xM that comes with Texas Instruments’ DM3730 DaVinci™ processor has its Chinese sister from Embest, the DevKit8500D evaluation kit. This similarity and eLinux wiki (showing working previous DevKit8000) have made me confident that Ubuntu would also port to this board with no hassle. As always, that wasn’t the story. I tried preinstalled images available [...]