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Posts Tagged ‘file system’

Mobile WiFi NAS on Raspberry Pi with TrueCrypt

Mobile NAS sounds like an idea worth waiting for to run on my mini Raspberry Pi Model A. Unfortunately, it only took me a while, before abandoning it. I’ve waited since writing about Raspberry Pi USB problem, that is to finally cut the backfeeding power line from the el cheapo powered USB hub. There comes [...]

Tagsistant On Production (2)

I’ve been waiting for someone to release a special-GUI-file manager to support Tagsistant. I decided not to wait and try out existing straightforward implementation (see previous post). I create a directory named tags inside my home and add an item on desktop session startup in System > Preferences > Startup Apllications containing this command tagsistant [...]

Tagsistant (1)

Installation of tagsistant requires SQLite and FUSE, in Ubuntu they are satisfied as libsqlite3-dev and libfuse-dev (which will also requires libselinux1-dev and libsepol1-dev). A series of configure, make, and make-install will fail during the make-install. /usr/local/share/pixmaps must be created first before running $ sudo make install After that I test tagsistant to organize /data/tags/ $ [...]

Mount with fstab and UUID

Check UUID: $ blkid   /dev/loop0: TYPE="squashfs" /dev/sda1: UUID="46E439E9E439DBBD" LABEL="SYSTEM" TYPE="ntfs" /dev/sda5: LABEL="DATA" UUID="0686-FAFA" TYPE="vfat" /dev/sda6: UUID="4ddd1e8c-e2e2-4397-838b-ea953e0a7795" SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3" /dev/sda7: TYPE="swap" UUID="9be4f92e-4f22-41f4-9aee-1c93f9cdf6ac" /dev/sda8: UUID="6a969f33-240b-440c-9a43-e68f8b28fd19" SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3" /dev/sda9: UUID="d7aac664-c177-46aa-be67-40aad4d3f129" TYPE="ext3" SEC_TYPE="ext2" /dev/sda10: UUID="36cdb4cb-351b-4f47-9c24-64a9e80c826b" TYPE="ext4" or $ sudo vol_id -u /dev/sda7 9be4f92e-4f22-41f4-9aee-1c93f9cdf6ac Put it in /etc/fstab to mount the device at boot. # /etc/fstab: static file system [...]